季刊索引 近期刊物 訂閱刊物


CHIEN Chengchen, 2 poems簡政珍二首

Cars Race Along the Wrinkles on the Face汽車在臉上的皺紋飛奔

tr. Yanwing LEUNG 梁欣榮




CHIEN Chengchen, 2 poems簡政珍二首 (tr. Yanwing LEUNG 梁欣榮)
Cars Race Along the Wrinkles on the Face汽車在臉上的皺紋飛奔

YAN Ai-lin, 2 poems顏艾琳二首 (tr. Yanwing LEUNG 梁欣榮)
Separate 離
Tête-à-tête 聚

Xing Ming 向明
Barcode 條碼 (tr. Yanwing LEUNG 梁欣榮)

Chang Meifang, 3 poems張梅芳三首 (tr. Yanwing LEUNG 梁欣榮)
A Microcosm 管錐
Air Raid 空襲
Reliant 怙

YANG Jiaxian, 3 poems楊佳嫻三首 (tr. John J. S. BALCOM 陶忘機)
Parting Forever 大別
Imagination 假想
Slight 微微

SUN Wei-min 孫維民
To a Melancholic給一位憂鬱症患者 (tr. John J. S. BALCOM 陶忘機)

Kwan Kwan, 3 poems管管三首 (tr. John J. S. BALCOM 陶忘機)
Stitching 縫
Pen Holder 筆筒
Contracting another Art-of-printing Disease 得了另類印刷術病

Charles D. WANG 王大智
The Lion and the Spider—A Non-Fable Story
獅子和蜘蛛──非寓言 (tr. Yo-shan YU余幼珊)

Chiu Ching-jung邱靖絨
The Urban Wanderings of Miss K K小姐的城市旅行 (tr. Bryan K. BEAUDOIN薄瑞安)

Yuchia LO 羅毓嘉
My Confessions at 20 二十自述 (tr. Jonathan R. BARNARD柏松年)

CHANG Yao-Jen張耀仁
Grandpa’s Other Wife另一個太太 (tr. Darryl STERK石岱崙)

John Sheng KUO郭強生
Karma 轉世 (tr. David VAN DER PEET范德培)

I-Chih CHEN 陳義芝
The Farthest—To Springtime
      Written in Celebration of Abstractionist Maestro Chen Cheng-hsiung's A
     Retrospective: 1953-2013
最遠──致春天‧為抽象畫大師陳正雄六十回顧展作 (tr. Tien-en KAO高天恩)

John T SPIKE 史派克
For the 60 Years Retrospective Exhibition of Chen Cheng-Hsiung
甲子風華 陳正雄的藝術生涯

News & Events 文化活動(ed. Sarah Jen-hui HSIANG 項人慧編)
Notes on Authors and Translators 作者與譯者簡介
Appendix: Chinese Originals 附錄:中文原著
Cover and Back Cover: Red Woods Series VI 紅林系列之六, acrylic on convas, 150 × 230 cm,
2011, Collection J & Monalisa Co. Ltd., Taipei, by CHEN Cheng-Hsiung 陳正雄
Cover Design by Terry Lee(封面設計:李昌洵)
Calligraphy on the Cover by Chang Jan(書法: 章然)