
Author Index


Translator Index


Carpio, Rustica C.
"The Muse Tells No Lies" in "Five Poems" 詩五首
Win 1976
Chai, Lin 柴玲
Chai Lin's: "I Accuse" 柴玲的控訴transl. Daniel T. Hu
Aut 1989
Chan, Chien-yu 詹前裕
Lin Chih-chu--The Revivalist of Glue Color Painting in Taiwan 林之助的膠彩畫transl. Carlos G. Tee 鄭永康
Sum 1996
Chan, Ming-ru 詹明儒
The Pilgrimage 進香transl. David Steelman 施鐵民
Spr 1979
Chang, Chien Wu 張錢娬
The Bondmaid 婢女
Win 1972
Chang, Chi-jiang 張啟疆
The Vanishing Ball 消失的球transl. Kathy Chang 張同瑩
Spr 1993
The Guide 導盲者transl. Nancy Du 杜南馨
Win 1995
The Leaper 跳樓者transl. Nancy Du 杜南馨
Spr 1996
Chang, Ching-hai 張清海
Pick Up the Torch 擎起那承傳的薪火transl. Robert Reynolds 魏伯特
Aut 1985
Chang, Chun-ku 章君穀
Twilight Years 暮年
transl. Chou Chang Jun-mei 周張潤梅 Eva Shan Chou 周杉
Spr 1982
Chang, Han-liang 張漢良
The Writer: Freedom and Power 作家的自由與權力
Win 1989
Chang, Hsiang-hua 張香華
Poems by Chang Hsiang-hua 張香華的詩transl. Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳
Aut 1995
Chang, Hsiao-feng 張小鳳
Lumps of Coal 煤球transl. Jane Parish Yang 白珍
Spr 1985
Chang, Hsiao-feng 張曉風(See "Chang, Show Foong"
Chang, Hsiu-ya 張秀亞
The Old Man and the Duck 養鴨者transl. Una Y. T. Chen 陳譚韻
Sum 1980
Chang, Jyh-chang 張至璋(See "Kang An"
Chang, Ko-li 張國立
The Man on a Bicycle 自行車上的人transl. Nicholas Koss 康士林
Sum 1994
Chang, Ling-ling 張菱舲
Afternoon in the Study 下午的書房transl. Norma Liu Hsiao 劉克端
Win 1973
Chang, Man-chuan 張曼娟
A Bowl of White Rice 一碗白米飯transl. Kenneth Lee 李凱恩
Aut 1990
Chang Mo 張默
Four Poems by Chang Mo 張默詩四首transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Sum 1986
Chang Rang 張讓
The Eye of Dusk 黃昏之眼transl. Ying-tsih Hwang 黃瑛姿
Win 1991
Chang, S. K. 張系國
Immolation transl. Diane Ying 殷允芃
Spr 1975
Flute transl. David Steelman 施鐵民
Sum 1975
Red Child 紅孩兒transl. Jane Parish Yang 白珍
Win 1981
Banana Freighter 香蕉船transl. Jeffrey Toy Eng 蔡偉民
Sum 1987
Chang, Show Foong 曉風(also "Chang Hsiao-feng," "Hsiao Feng," "Show Foong"
October Sun 十月的陽光transl. David Steelman 施鐵民
Spr 1975
Just Let Them Not Know! 就讓他們不知道吧!;transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Sum 1984
A Variety of Lovely Things 種種可愛transl. Christopher M. Lupke 陸敬思
Sum 1985
Immortal Sleeplessness 不朽的失眠;transl. Nancy Du 杜南馨
Aut 1995
1,230 Spots 一千二百三十點;transl. Ching-Hsi Perng 彭鏡禧
Aut 1996
Chang, Ta-chuen 張大春
The Handshake 握手
Spr 1983
Speaker of the Aside 旁白者transl. Ying-tsih Hwang 黃瑛姿
Win 1986
The General's Monument 將軍碑transl. Ying-tsih Hwang 黃瑛姿                                    John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Spr 1987
The Wall transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Sum 1987
A Guide Tour of an Apartment Complex 公寓導遊transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Win 1989
Alley 116, Liaoning Street 遼寧街116transl. Ying-tsih Hwang 黃瑛姿
Win 1992
Chang, Tze-chang 張子樟
The Banyan Tree 老榕transl. Anne Behnke 司馬安
Aut 1979
Chang, Yen-hsiun 張彥勳
The Frog-Catchers 捕蛙父子transl. Norma Liu Hsiao 劉克端
Spr 1973
Chang, Yi 張毅
Brothers from Taipei 台北兄弟transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Sum 1985
Chang, Yung-hsiang 張永祥
Autumn Execution 秋決transl. Yu Jenchang 郁仁長David Steelman 施鐵民
Aut 1977
Changing 陳金
Sun-hunt in the Wilderness--Diary of a Tankman 在曠野中獵日–––戰車兵手記;transl. Michelle Yeh 奚密
Win 1987
Chao, Shu-min 趙淑敏
Autumn 離人心上秋;transl. Loh I-cheng 陸以正
Aut 1982
Chen, Chang-fang 陳長房
Elements of Change in the Fiction of Taiwan of the 1980s O年代台灣小說中的變貌
Sum 1989
Chen, Chia-lee 陳稼莉
Season of Daisies 雛菊的季節;transl. Ying-tsih Hwang 黃瑛姿
Sum 1986
Chen, Chian-wu 陳千武
Hunting Captive Women 獵女犯;transl. Michelle Min-chia Wu 吳敏嘉
Aut 1992
Chen, Chi-ying 陳紀瀅
In Memory of Dr. Chia-luen Lo 憶羅家倫博士
Aut 1972
On First Listening to the Story of the White Snake as Translated into English 英譯白蛇傳試聽記;transl. Yen Lang-yuan 顏鋃淵
Win 1973
Chen, Fang-mei 陳芳妹
Treasures of Clan and State: The Bronze Art of the Shang and Chou Nobility (I) 家國重器–––商周貴族的青銅藝術(I);transl. David Kaman
Win 1990
Treasures of Clan and State: The Bronze Art of the Shang and Chou Nobility (II) 家國重器–––商周貴族的青銅藝術(II);transl. David Kaman
Spr 1991
Treasures of Clan and State: The Bronze Art of the Shang and Chou Nobility (III) 家國重器–––商周貴族的青銅藝術(III);transl. David Kaman
Sum 1991
Treasures of Clan and State: The Bronze Art of the Shang and Chou Nobility (IV) 家國重器–––商周貴族的青銅藝術(IV);transl. David Kaman
Aut 1991
Chen, Fang-ming 陳芳明
Unexpected Encounter at Yuraku-cho 相逢有樂町;transl. Daniel J. Bauer 鮑端磊
Win 1994
Chen Fung 城鳳
Wing transl. Pauline Yang 楊寶琳
Win 1976
Chen, Hsing-hui 陳幸蕙
Two Essays by Chen Hsing-hui 陳幸蕙散文選
Win 1995
The Thousand Mile Mountain Path--A Spring Visit to the Recluse of the Plantains 人間咫尺千山路–––春訪芭蕉上人;transl. Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳
Spr 1996
Chen Huang 陳煌
Kodo the Green Pigeon 綠鳩寇多;transl. Edward Vargo 歐陽瑋
Aut 1995
Hunter Mountain 獵人山;transl. May Li-ming Tang 湯麗明
Sum 1996
Tory the Rock Dove 鴿子托里;transl. Edward Vargo 歐陽瑋
Aut 1995
Chen, I-chih 陳義芝
Four Poems by Chen I-chih 陳義芝詩四首;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Aut 1992
Poems by Chen I-chih 陳義芝的詩;transl. Valering Lo 羅文玲
Aut 1995
Chen, Jo-hsi 陳若曦
Night Duty 值夜transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Win 1975
Jen Hsiu-lan 任秀蘭transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Sum 1977
Residency Check 查戶口transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文
Aut 1977
The Fish 大青魚transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Win 1977
Another Fortress Besieged 城裡城外;transl. Loh I-cheng 陸以正
Win 1980
Chen Li 陳黎
Six Poems by Chen Li 陳黎詩六首;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Spr 1993
Chen, Lieh 陳列
Without Complaint 無怨;transl. Jane Parish Yang 白珍
Win 1981
Of Earth, Time and Tide 地上歲月;transl. Chou Chang Jun-mei 周張潤梅
Aut 1984
Chen, Shao-tsung 陳少聰
The Water Lilies 水蓮;transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Spr 1988
Spring Tea 春茶;transl. Michelle Yeh 奚密
Spr 1990
Chen, Tse-fan 陳之藩
The Rootless Orchid 失根的蘭花;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Win 1972
Chen, Yu-chin 陳裕清
Writers and 50 Years of Chinese Communism 五十年來的中共與作家
Aut 1972
Cheng, Chen-to 鄭振鐸
The Burning of Books 燒書記;transl. Edward Vargo 歐陽瑋
Win 1993
Cheng, Ching-wen 鄭清文
The River Suite 水上組曲;transl. Lien-ren Hsiao 蕭廉任
Spr 1974
The Mosquito 蚊子;transl. Anne Behnke 司馬安
Win 1978
Betel Nut Town 檳榔城;transl. James R. Landers 藍瞻梅
Win 1983
A Fisherman's Family 漁家;transl. Jane Parish Yang 白珍
Aut 1984
The Last of the Gentlemen 最後的紳士;transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Sum 1986
Secrets 秘密;transl. Jeffrey Toy Eng 蔡偉民
Spr 1990
God O' Thunder's Goin' to Getya 雷公點心;transl. Nicholas Koss 康士林
Sum 1993
Autumn Night 秋夜;transl. Michelle Min-chia Wu 吳敏嘉
Aut 1994
Spring Rain 春雨;transl. Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳
Aut 1995
The Three-legged Horse 三腳馬;transl. Carlos G. Tee 鄭永康
Win 1995
Hair 髮;transl. Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳
Sum 1996
Cheng Chou-yu 鄭愁予
Three Poems by Cheng Chou-yu 鄭愁予詩三首;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Spr 1984
Three Poems by Cheng Chou-yu 鄭愁予詩三首;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Win 1984
The Mistress 情婦
Spr 1987
"June Third in New York" 紐約的六月三日(in "Nine Poems" 天安門詩九首);transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Aut 1989
Cheng, Huan 鄭煥
The Stranger 異客;transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文
Win 1974
Cheng, Meifang 鄭美芳
The Story of My Mother 母親的故事;transl. P. C. Pang 龐秉鈞
Aut 1993
Cheng, Ming-li 鄭明娳
A Chip off the Old Block 老爸與我;transl. Michelle Yeh 奚密
Sum 1992
Chi Chi 季季
The Jade Bracelet 拾玉鐲;transl. Stephen Harder 何思砥
Spr 1979
Death in an Alien Land 異鄉之死;transl. Christopher M. Lupke 陸敬思
Aut 1986
Chi Chun 琦君
My Watches 摘手錶;transl. Wu Chien Chang 張錢
Spr 1973
Red Gauze Lantern 紅紗燈
Sum 1975
The Chignon 髻;transl. Jane Parish Yang 白珍
Spr 1980
Ah-yu 阿玉;transl. David Jason Liu 劉大衛
Sum 1983
The Sweater 毛衣;transl. Lily Liu 劉綺君
Aut 1984
A Pair of Gold Bracelets 一對金手鐲;transl. Lily Liu 劉綺君
Sum 1985
The Clever Fish and the Small Inkstone 靈魚與小硯台;transl. Liu An-nuo 劉安諾
Win 1990
Dreaming at Midnight with Books as My Pillow--My Memoirs of Reading 三更有夢書當枕;transl. Michelle Min-chia Wu 吳敏嘉
Win 1993
Sweet Osmanthus Flowers Falling like Rain Drops 桂花雨;transl. Daniel J. Bauer 鮑端磊
Spr 1995
Chi, Pang-yuan 齊邦媛
Nostalgia as a Literary Disguise of Positive Thinking 鄉愁是積極思想的文學掩飾
Aut 1978
The Mellowing of Modern Chinese Poetry in Taiwan 台灣中國現代詩的成熟
Win 1985
An Unexpected Blossoming: Contemporary History as Reflected in Chinese Literature in Taiwan 令人意外的花果
Aut 1986
Chi Teng Sheng 七等生
The Old Woman 老婦人;transl. Jane Parish Yang 白珍
Win 1984
I love Black Eyes--Twenty-one Years Later 我愛黑眼珠續記;
transl. Nancy Du 杜南馨
Nicholas Koss 康士林
Aut 1994
Chiang, Hsiao-yun 蔣曉雲
A Day for Losing Umbrellas 掉傘天transl. David Steelman 施鐵民
Spr 1978
Niu Teh-kuei 牛得貴;transl. Candice Pong 龐雯
Aut 1979
Sui Yuan: Complying with Fate 隨緣;transl. Candice Pong 龐雯
Win 1980
Tears 淚;transl. Hua-yuan Li Mowry 李華元
Aut 1982
Journey to Mount Bliss 樂山行;transl. Helena Chang Hsu 徐張瑞基
Aut 1983
Floret 小花;transl. Norma Liu Hsiao 劉克端
Spr 1989
My Fair Gentleman 窈窕淑男;transl. Michelle Yeh 奚密
Aut 1990
Chiang Kuei 姜貴
The Swallows of Hu-kuo Temple 護國寺的燕子;transl. Carlos G. Tee 鄭永康
Win 1993
Chiang, Ling 江玲
The Sun in the Pit 坑裡的太陽
Win 1975
Chien, Min-tsen 簡敏媜
A Silver Needle Falls on the Ground 銀針掉地;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Sum 1990
Chin Chao 金兆
The Struggle over Tests 考試的風波;transl. Mark Friedman 費德明
Aut 1981
A Memorable Memorial Service 追悼會圓滿結束;transl. Samuel Ling 凌崇熙
Win 1982
Chin, Tzu-hao 覃子豪
Four Poems by Chin Tzu-hao 覃子豪詩四首;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Aut 1992
Ching Chi 荊棘
The Twilight Years 人到老年;transl. Michelle Yeh 奚密
Win 1991
Wolfberries 枸杞;transl. Nicholas Koss 康士林
Spr 1997
Chiu, Jung-hsiang 丘榮襄
The Third Patriarch's Gold Tablets 三王爺的金牌transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文
Sum 1977
Chou, Meng-tieh 周夢蝶
Four Poems by Chou Meng-tieh 周夢蝶詩四首;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Spr 1986
Five Poems by Chou Meng-tieh 周夢蝶詩五首;transl. John J. S. Balcom 陶忘機
Sum 1995
Chou, Philip 周腓力
The Big Event of the Week 一週大事;transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文
Aut 1986
One Who Feeds Will Live to Be Fed 洋飯二吃;transl. Jeffrey Toy Eng 蔡偉民
Win 1988
A Patient by Trade 職業病人;transl. Jeffrey Toy Eng 蔡偉民
Aut 1991
Chu, Hsing-ho 朱星鶴
Chungching South Road, Here I Come! 到重慶南路走走;transl. Nancy Du 杜南馨
Win 1993
Chu, Hsi-ning 朱西甯
The Men Who Smelt Gold 冶金者;transl. George Kao 高克毅
Win 1974
Remembrances of Days Gone By 多少舊事煙塵;transl. Wu Wang Heng-ling 吳王亨齡
Spr 1975
The General 我與將軍transl. David Steelman 施鐵民
Sum 1976
Molten Iron 鐵漿transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Spr 1977
The Great Puppet Show 大布袋戲;transl. Hua-yuan Li Mowry 李華元
Aut 1980
I Was in Peking June 3-6, 1989 我在北京;transl. Daniel T. Hu
Aut 1989
Chu, Jennifer
A Profound Sense of Mission--The Photography of Wang Hsin 王信的攝影
Sum 1994
Chu Ko 楚戈
Four Poems by Chu Ko 楚戈詩四首;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Win 1980
Chu, Lily 朱立立
The Pumpkin 南瓜;transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文
Win 1981
Chu Ling 朱陵(See "Yuan, Chiung-chiung"
Chu, Tien-hsin 朱天心
The Last Train to Tamshui 淡水最後列車;transl. Michelle Yeh 奚密
Spr 1988
A City of Hot Summer 炎夏之都;transl. Michelle Yeh 奚密
Sum 1988
In Remembrance of My Buddies in the Military Compound 想我眷村的兄弟們;transl. Michelle Min-chia Wu 吳敏嘉
Win 1992
Chu, Tzu-ching 朱自清
To My Departed Wife 給亡婦;transl. Howard Goldblatt 葛浩文
Sum 1974
Chu Yeh 朱夜
Crying over a Book 哭書;transl. Nancy Du 杜南馨
Win 1993
Chu, Yen 朱炎
Latin American Literature in Taiwan 拉丁美洲文學在台灣
Win 1983
Nausea 嘔吐症患者;transl. Chen I-djen 陳懿貞
Aut 1985
"Being Myriad, One." 生靈無數,同命一源
Spr 1986
Chuang, Hua-tang 莊華堂
Earth God Shrine 土地公廟;transl. Michelle Yeh 奚密
Sum 1992
Chuang, Yu-an 莊裕安
A Song for the Dead 為亡靈彈奏;transl. Nancy Du 杜南馨
Sum 1996
Chung, Chao-cheng 鍾肇政
Mountain Trail 山路;transl. Robert Hegel
Sum 1973
Oranges 橘子transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Sum 1978
Chung, Cheng 鍾正(See "Chung, Chao-cheng"
Chung, Li-ho 鍾理和
Restored to Life 復活transl. Timothy A. Ross 羅體模
Spr 1977
The Tobacco Shed 煙樓transl. Timothy A. Ross 羅體模
Spr 1978
Chung, Ling 鍾玲
The Quadrangle Compound 四合院;transl. Ling Chung 鍾玲
Spr 1988
"China...Ah, China" 中國啊!中國(in "Nine Poems" 天安門詩九首);transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Aut 1989
Poems by Chung Ling 鍾玲詩;transl. Chung Ling 鍾玲
Sum 1993
From the Other Side 過山;
transl. John Minford 閔福德Chu Chi-yu 朱志瑜
Sum 1995
Chung, Tin-wen 鍾鼎文
Nostalgia and Remembrance 鄉愁與記憶;transl. Nancy Chang Ing 殷張蘭熙
Aut 1973

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